2023 Series
Hosted by
Faith Matters Network
“Redeeming Self Love”
I love my skin. I love my body.
I love my brilliance. I love me.
Self-love is about celebrating oneself.
How can that be done in the midst of the busyness and challenges of life?
Faith Matters Network is proud to present our second annual Womanist Wisdom series focused on Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas’ third tenet of womanism: redemptive self-love. The series asks the question, how can I love myself, regardless? Gleaning from our diverse group of beloved wisdom-keepers provides the opportunity to renew our commitment to loving ourselves. Join us this March during Women’s History month as we hear from Black feminists and Womanist scholars on what it means to be liberated through self love. This month-long series will be packed with powerful conversations, giveaways, and appearances from brilliant emerging wisdom leaders. We hope you’ll gain some insight and find the courage you need to journey back home to yourself.
“Womanism is revolutionary.
Womanism is a paradigm shift wherein Black women
no longer look to others for their liberation,
but instead look to themselves.”
- Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas
of the Womanist Wisdom Series
Faith Matters Network is a womanist-led organization that emphasizes the importance of equipping spiritually grounded leaders and social activists from a place of deep sustainability, connection, and accompaniment. In 2021, we felt the call to amplify our identity as an organization, which is rooted in womanist wisdom and faith. In observance of Black History Month & Women’s History Month last year, we hosted our first “Womanist Wisdom” series– celebrating the accomplishments of Black feminists, scholars, activists, and leaders. This virtual series was such a hit that we decided to bring our signature event back this year for a deeper dive into the foundations of womanism and its expressions.
Guest Speakers
Exclusive Pre-series Event
Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas
"Tenets of Womanism"
Monday, February 20 • 7:00pm EST
Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas is a preeminent scholar, prolific author, public speaker, DEI trainer, management consultant, executive coach, and ordained Baptist pastoral counselor. Floyd-Thomas is currently the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair and Associate Professor of Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. As a nationally recognized teacher and scholar, Dr. Floyd-Thomas is a leading voice in social ethics who provides moral leadership to several national and international organizations that educate, advocate, support and shape the strategic work of individuals, initiatives, and institutions in their organizing efforts of championing and cultivating equity, diversity, and inclusion via organizations such as Black Religious Scholars Group (BRSG), Society for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Religion (SRER), Strategic Effective Ethical Solutions (SEES), Society of Christian Ethics (SCE) and the American Academy of Religion (AAR). She holds a PhD in Ethics, a MBA in organizational behavior, and two Masters in Comparative Religion (MA) and Theological Studies (MTS) with certifications in women’s studies, cultural studies, and counseling. Moreover, Dr. Floyd-Thomas has been a lead architect in helping corporations, colleges, universities, religious congregations, and community organizations with their audit, assessment, and action plans in accordance with evolving both the mission and strategic plans. Without question, she is one of the nation’s leading voices in ethical leadership in the United States and is globally recognized for her scholarly specializations in womanist theology and ethics, critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and postcolonial studies.
Register for a session before Monday, February 20th and get access to our exclusive LIVE interview with Dr. Stacey Floyd-Thomas on the tenets of womanism
BONUS: Your ticket purchase gets you an entry into our “self-care” giveaway basket valued at $250+ and more prizes!
Dr. Emilie Townes
Session #1
"Self Love is Self Care”
Wednesday, March 1
7:00pm EST
Dr. Emilie M. Townes, an American Baptist clergywoman, is a native of Durham, North Carolina. She holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the University of Chicago Divinity School and a Ph.D. in Religion in Society and Personality from Northwestern University. Dr. Townes is the Dean and University Distinguished Professor of Womanist Ethics and Society (Divinity) and University Distinguished Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies (College of Arts and Science) at Vanderbilt University, becoming the first African American to serve as Dean of the Divinity School in 2013. She is the former Andrew W. Mellon Professor of African American Religion and Theology at Yale University Divinity School and in the fall of 2005, she was the first African American woman elected to the presidential line of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and served as president in 2008. She was the first African American and first woman to serve as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Yale Divinity School. She is the former Carolyn Williams Beaird Professor of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Social Ethics at Saint Paul School of Theology. Editor of two collection of essays, A Troubling in My Soul: Womanist Perspectives on Evil and Suffering and Embracing the Spirit: Womanist Perspectives on Hope, Salvation, and Transformation; she has also authored Womanist Ethics, Womanist Hope, In a Blaze of Glory: Womanist Spirituality as Social Witness, Breaking the Fine Rain of Death: African American Health Issues and a Womanist Ethic of Care, and her groundbreaking book, Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil. She is co-editor with Stephanie Y. Mitchem of the Faith, Health, and Healing in African American Life and co-editor with the late Katie Geneva Cannon and Angela Sims for the Womanist Theological Ethics: A Reader done with was published in November 2011. Her most recent co-editorship is with Stacey Floyd-Thomas, Alison Gise Johnson, and Angela Sims for Walking Through the Valley: Essays: Womanist Explorations in the Spirit of Katie Geneva Cannon (2022). Townes was elected a Fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009. She was the first Black woman to serve as president of the American Academy of Religion in 2008 and served a four-year term as president of the Society for the Study of Black Religion from 2012 to 2016. In 2022, Townes was elected to the presidential line of the Society of Christian Ethics. Her presidential year will be 2024-2025. At that time, she will be the first Black woman to hold this office.
Lyvonne Briggs
Session #2
“Sensual Faith”
Wednesday, March 8
7:00pm EST
Lyvonne Briggs, MDiv, ThM, an Emmy Award winner, is a body- and sex-positive womanist preacher and speaker. She is the host of Sensual Faith Podcast and the author of Sensual Faith: The Art of Coming Home to Your Body (Convergent/Penguin Random House out March '23). She is the co-host of Sanctified, a faith-based, Spotify-exclusive podcast on Jemele Hill’s Unbothered Network. A spiritual life coach and TEDx speaker, she has been featured in Essence, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, and The Washington Post, and Sojourners named her one of "11 Women Shaping the Church.” Briggs is a graduate of The Lawrenceville School, Seton Hall University, Yale Divinity School, and Columbia Theological Seminary. A New York City native, she is currently based in New Orleans, LA and you can follow her across platforms: @LyvonneBriggs
Rev. Jacqui Lewis
Session #3
"Fierce Love"
Wednesday, March 22
7:00pm EST
The Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis is Senior Minister and Public Theologian at Middle Church in New York City. In her activism, preaching, speaking, writing, and teaching, Dr. Lewis advocates for racial equality, gun control, economic justice, and equal rights for all sexual orientations/genders. A world-renowned theologian, Dr. Lewis has been featured on The Today Show, All In with Chris Hayes, AM Joy, The Melissa Harris Perry Show, NY1, ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS and many more, and her writing has appeared in outlets like Harper’s Bazaar, Vox, The Huffington Post and Religion News Service. She is the author of several books, most recently Fierce Love: A Bold Path to a Ferocious Courage and Rule-Breaking Kindness That Can Heal the World which was published by Penguin Random House in 2021.